Broadening Care with In-Person Visits While Staying Safe

May 26, 2020 11:43 am

Dear Patients and Families of CRCCS,

As many of you are aware, Governor Walz has issued guidance permitting broader access to routine health care. While we have been able to manage most concerns via Televisits, we know many have postponed follow-up care.

We will be asking patients and family members who come into the office to help us in our efforts by:

  • Rescheduling your appointment if you or anyone in your household feels sick or has had recent exposure to a known individual with Covid-19 
  • Rescheduling your appointment if you or anyone in your household feels sick or has had recent exposure to a known individual with Covid-19 
  • Wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth upon entry to clinic 
    • Patients 2 years of age & under are not required to wear a mask
  • Respecting social distancing while in the clinic 
  • Using the provided hand sanitizer when you enter and exit our office  

We miss seeing you in person, but that does not diminish our passion and diligence to take exceptional care of your child whether it is in the office or virtually. Please call us with any questions or concerns. 

In good health, 

Keith Cavanaugh, MD Michael Pryor, MD
Anne Griffiths, MD Michael Shreve, MD
Nandini Kataria, MD Bill Wheeler, MD
Megan Lambert, MD Daniela Zgherea, M.D.
John McNamara, MD Cynthia Brady, DNP
Christina Mikesell, DO       Julie Herda, CPNP
Brooke Moore, MD


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